What Does eCPSU mean?

by | Jul 3, 2020

eCPSU stands for “effective Cost Per Swipe Up”

eCPSU is an acronym used in Snapchat Advertising for the cost of a particular action, similar to a click or engagement on other platforms, called a “Swipe Up”. With the swipe action on Snapchat being equivalent to a click or tap on other social media and digital platforms, it is essentially SnapChat’s Cost-Per-Click (CPC) metric. It is a Snapchat ad metric for actions similar to how Paid eCPMR is for reach and eCPM is for impressions.

Why is it important?

Depending on your audience and campaign goals, Snapchat may be an important part of your social media marketing strategy and the advertising terms there should be considered.

eCPSU is a metric for efficiency on your Snapchat campaigns. This is a gauge of the top-level metrics (Swipe Ups). Other metrics may provide better insight into deeper metrics like app installs or conversions, but effective Cost Per Swipe Up provides direct insight into interactions on the Snapchat platform. Some takeaways from this metric, is the interaction with the ad, either from a creative or content stance.

How it is calculated?

This is a simple calculation that takes a look at total spending divided by the total number of swipes up on ads.

ECPSU stands for effective cost per swipe up caption of a Snapchat report screenshot.


Snapchat For Advertising

Snapchat is still one of the leading social media platforms, alongside Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and more. Snapchat advertising provides an outlet that targets a slightly younger audience than most and, for many advertisers, provides a media platform with far less competition and noise.

For more Snapchat Acronyms continue reading here.


Learn More Here:

Watch the video below to learn more from the Corkboard Concepts team.


How This Transfers To Other Social Media Platforms:

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and all other social media platforms have their own type of metric tracking system and variables, but with the height of Instagram reels and TikToks, these platforms are also now having to track the “swipe ups” on their campaign.  Learn more about tracking your TikTok ads here. 


End Note:

All in all, Snapchat is still reaching millions of users across the globe and it is important to understand these metrics so that you can best run the best Snapchat campaign.

If you need help getting started, contact Corkboard Concepts today! We have a full team ready to assist you in your next paid social media campaign. Contact us with the link below.

Contact Corkboard Concepts Today!


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