What Is Buyer Intent Keyword?

by | Feb 21, 2021

A buyer intent keyword is a search query entered by users when actively looking to buy a product or service

What people enter into a search engine can give us valuable insight into what’s going on in their minds when searching for a product.

How do we know which keywords have buyer intent? Remember that not all keywords are equal and are worth targeting. You’ll need to focus on keywords that have the highest chance of turning into conversion. One effective way to estimate buyer intent is to focus on the three main types of search queries: Informational queries, Navigational queries, and Transactional queries.

Once you’ve figured out what the keywords are, you can then target your prospects with relevant ads and content. It’s important that you deliver content and ads for both the top of the funnel and the bottom of the funnel to make sure you answer all the search queries.


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