Best Practices For Customer Review Management

Best Practices For Customer Review Management

Customer review management is a marketing tactic used to engage your target audience in a conversation about what they think about your product or service. Online customer reviews are essential for building credibility for your business in this digital age. According...
5 Steps On How to Respond to Negative Reviews

5 Steps On How to Respond to Negative Reviews

The way we receive negative reviews is changing, just like our world. The old saying “Word of Mouth” has turned into “Word of Mouse.” Online reviews are a great way for potential customers to get an inside peek at others’ experiences at a business. It is important...

What is CSI?

CSI Stands for Customer Satisfaction Index Customer Satisfaction Index or CSI is an analytical tool that measures how satisfied customers are with products or services. CSI helps companies determine the reasons why customers may like or dislike the products or...