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Why Print Media Is Still Relevant

by | Jun 17, 2022

Why Print Media Is Still Relevant?

It’s 2022 and digital media is thriving, but what about print media? Is traditional print media still relevant? Or is it dead in the marketing industry? Many businesses question the viability of print as a marketing strategy, especially with many newspapers and magazines transitioning to online.

This is coupled with the idea that a number of people consume digital media through their phones and computers. However, we are here to tell you that print media is still relevant and far from being dead. It is merely evolving.

What is Print Media Marketing?

Print Media Is Still Relevant: Image of print mediaPrint media is still relevant because it is a communication medium used to distribute information or advertise. This can be in reference to any form of marketing that uses physically printed media to reach your target audience.

Some of those items could be:

  • Leaflets
  • Brochures
  • Promotional flyers
  • Posters
  • Newspaper/magazine ads
  • Billboards
  • And numerous other printed materials

Print Media Is Still Relevant: Effects on the pandemic The Effects of the Pandemic

The actual industry has declined for the past several years and has seen an even more detrimental turn due to Covid as well. However, there are still many people who prefer to consume information through physical print and the industry is far from going extinct.

Therefore, print media is still relevant. It is actually a very lucrative business, with total ad spending in the United States passing over $60 billion in the year 2020.

Additionally, a number of research studies brought some positive news for print advertisements, even after the hit that was taken due to quarantine. They stated that the use of print, when used in an omnichannel mix, greatly boosts digital channels and scores impressively high for audience attention and brand recall versus social media (more on this in the next point).

During quarantine, we saw how more people are reading by the dramatic increase in the number of print and digital subscriptions. Now, when it comes to where people prefer to read important information, the truth of the matter is that consumers find print ads to be more trustworthy.

According to a consumer survey, 42% percent said that print advertising was either somewhat or very trustworthy. In comparison, only 29% answered the same for search engine advertising and a meager 18% trusted internet websites.

This showcases how consumers’ trust still leans towards the print media. They tend to become wary of online advertising (especially if they are not familiar with the brand) and this is made obvious by how many people utilize ad-blocking software.

The Perfect Partner

Going back to the research about using print in an omnichannel mix, print ads and digital ads complement each other very well and help give a boost to your overall marketing when paired together. There is even scientific research to showcase the effectiveness of print and its longevity.

A Canadian neuromarketing firm, called TrueImpact, conducted a study comparing the effects of paper marketing versus digital media. The technologies used in this study were eye-tracking and high-resolution EEG brain wave measurement. Conventional questionnaires were also used.

According to the results summarized by Forbes, “Direct mail requires 21% less cognitive effort to process than digital media (5.15 vs. 6.37), suggesting that it is both easier to understand and more memorable. Post-exposure memory tests validated what the cognitive load test revealed about direct mail’s memory encoding capabilities.

When asked to cite the brand (company name) of an advertisement they had just seen, the recall was 70% higher among participants who were exposed to a direct mail piece (75%) than a digital ad (44%).” So in order to create even better brand awareness, it may be beneficial to include some print in your strategy.

A New Sense of Novelty

Print media is still relevant : Print media- unique mailerBy being constantly surrounded by technology, there comes about a kind of fatigue and commonality with digital marketing. With people being inundated by digital ads, this actually leaves an opening where they are not receiving as much print media due to the decrease in demand.

Now is a perfect time to stand out by sending direct mailers and brochures, especially with more people working from home.

According to a study conducted by InfoTrends, 66% of direct mail is opened and 82% of it is read for a minute or two. Take this in comparison to an average open rate for emails in the UK and US of 18.39% and you can already see the potential for increased lead generation.


Not only has it stood the test of time, but people appreciate print media for its comfort, relevance, and privacy while reading it. Unlike digital media, print is tactile and personal. You can also customize the print to meet unique requirements not available with digital media. Print is also quite versatile and can be used to reach different audiences.

Ending Note

So in the end, the answer to the question of “Is traditional print media dead in the marketing industry?” would be a resounding NO and far from it. Print media is still relevant.  There are still plenty of ways to reach your target audience through traditional print. Overall, print is trustworthy, a brand booster, a breath of fresh air, and evolving with the times.

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Anna is our energetic and friendly Web Design Lead. She originally joined Corkboard as a Creative Specialist. Anna found her passion for design back in high school and never looked back! She is experienced in print production, digital designs, and website layouts, and is constantly improving her skillset!

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