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What Does VDP Stand For?

VDP stands for Vehicle Detail Page A Vehicle Detail Page is a page on a website that provides in-depth information about a particular vehicle Users who are looking into your VDP means business. In the marketing world, those visitors are considered to be at the bottom...

What does API stand for?

API stands for Application Programming Interface.  An API makes it possible for one software to interact with other software. So it’s basically a code that allows communication between two separate apps. So, for instance, when you book a hotel from your mobile phone...

What does SDK stand for?

SDK stands for Software Development Kit. Also known as Devkit, an SDK is software tools and programs used by developers to create applications. Think of it like any other kit, where it includes everything from documentation to instructions on how to build a particular...

What does MFA stand for?

MFA stands for Multi-Factor Authentication.  MFA is the process of logging in to a system using more than just a password. This extra factor usually comes in the form of code that is sent via text or email. The codes can include letters and numbers that are...