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6 Tips On How To Build A Successful Corporate Video

by | Jun 9, 2022

6 Tips On How To Build A Successful Corporate Video

Sometimes building a successful corporate video can be difficult. If your company is making a video about a specific product or service you offer, having a guide or structure can be helpful. This blog will act as the anatomy of the thought sequence that Corkboard Concepts uses in creating a successful corporate video. This strategy is most effective in communicating value and motivating prospects to take action. Without further adieu, we offer you 6 Tips On How To Build A Successful Corporate Video.

A Successful Corporate Video BTS

Tip #1: Start with the problem.

The problems are the hook. People’s brains are designed to survive; therefore, they only hear the things that address their most pressing issues. If you address those problems quickly, you become relevant to the right people at the right time. That’s important. 

Tips #2: Don’t bore your audience.

Starting a video with the history of the company is a common mistake. Nobody cares about the history of your company. It doesn’t address any of their immediate needs. Likewise, no one cares about your staff’s combined years of experience. Let’s be honest; that’s a conflated number anyway. It’s irrelevant to your prospect’s needs and/or interests.


Tip # 3: Ditch the mission statement.

A corporate video should not include your mission statement. A mission statement is for internal use only and will be boring and irrelevant to good prospects. In addition, you cannot become relevant by bragging about how you “partner” with your clients. The only case this is applicable is if you include how your partnership directly relates to solving an immediate problem.


Tip # 4: Showcase the reality of the issues at hand.

In most cases, websites don’t quickly demonstrate how companies can get the results in a high-interest way. Instead, start with identifying problems you solve, followed by the consequences of not solving those problems. We’re not fear-mongering here, but we’re letting people know what happens if they don’t solve these problems right away. 

For instance, if you go to your car mechanic, he tells you, “Hey, pretty soon, your tires will be unsafe.” You want to know that. Your mechanic is not trying to sell you tires, per se; he wants you to understand the consequences of not getting that problem addressed quickly and where that can put you in the near future. You trust your mechanic to give you that correct information and that is also the goal of a successful corporate video.


Tip #5: Address the solution.

The next thing you want to do is address the solutions to the problems at hand and how your organization can help solve those problems. At this point, you should be answering the question, “Why should I do business with you and not your competitor?” 


Tip #6: End on a high note! 

Lastly, end on a high note. Vividly paint the future state for your client if choosing your organization’s service/products. Your video should be depicting, where will they be with choosing your organization, and how great will life become once they solve these problems with you? 


Why is this anatomy important?

At the end of the day, all of your marketing materials should reflect this anatomy, video or not. But it is extremely important to start your video with the problems you solve, taking your prospect on a journey to a high note of their future state. If that future state is made vividly clear, prospects are motivated to do business with you. This method is structured for success and we want to help you get there!

Interested in how you can use video to strengthen your marketing campaign? Then, please read 3 Steps To A Successful Video Marketing Campaign.

A Successful Corporate Video BTS





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