Pet store computer

Pet Care Company

Conversion Rate Optimization | Paid Search | Marketing Strategy | Programmatic Advertising | Search Engine Optimization

Industry: Pet Care

Challenge: Understand the actions that generated value on their website, identify their current conversion rate, and increase conversion rate by establishing optimization strategies.

Solution: Added a quick form to capture “New Client Signups” to give us the foundation for conversions looked at Google Ads keyword optimization, refined display ad targeting, and set up drip campaigns and event based triggers.

Results: A 100% increase in conversion rate and established conversion rate optimization.

Pet store computer

Pet Care Company


Visitors 1


conversion rate


increase in conversion rate


dog grooming cleveland
dog grooming cleveland

When initially starting with our client, our team set to task to aggressively understand the actions that generated value on their website. There were several different actions from referring friends to contacting individual locations, and then from spending a certain amount of time on the website to registering their dog for boarding, daycare or other services. Ultimately, only the latter was set to be the conversion and the others we’re KPI’s. The difficulty with Conversion Tracking had to do more with the process than anything. This final form – dog registration – required a lot of information from a person. Much more than most people would be willing to submit online and wasn’t required to submit until they actually brought their dog in on day of first service.

Our approach


When Corkboard Concepts looks at marketing metrics, we generally are not looking at standalone numbers – rather we’re looking at trends and progression. Just calculating the number is a good start and it’s the foundational point for getting better, and that’s what we’re looking for. The first step in understanding conversion rate was to take a step back and understand what could reasonably be expected online and what could happen to encourage people to come in-store. Our team added an intermediary step before the final sign up form. We were receiving such a significant abandonment rate on this form and its all-or-nothing nature (i.e. if you didn’t fill in all information and press submit, nothing was saved), that we needed to be able to capture information beforehand. A quick form served the purpose of capturing this information. A simple modal form that requested name, email and phone number was added to the website to capture “New Client Signups” and gave us our foundation for conversions. While still getting our foundation set and gathering enough data, we continued to moderately optimize the different advertising campaigns bringing dog owners to the client’s website. These were in-platform based optimizations rather than on-site optimizations. This involved looking at items like Google Ads keyword optimization, refining display ad targeting and creative, and more. Our foundational conversion rate was set – we had a 1.26%.

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The Results

Step 1: Drip Campaigns:

Once the intermediary conversion was set, we began utilizing the information collected to push the conversion rate higher. We began using the information collected as triggers for future events for both automation and manual efforts.

– Automation: Trigger an email drip campaign  to encourage users to continue signing up.

– Manual: Trigger an email sent to the  individual location to notify the retail associates  to call the potential new customers to  encourage them to come on-site.

These Drip campaigns and human touchpoints significantly increased the number of opportunities to bring customers on location for point of sale. Initiating this drip campaign, along with other continued optimizations did what we had set out to do.

The conversion rate climbed from a 1.26% to a 2.7% – more than a 100% increase.

Step 2: Event Based Triggers

Now that we had our drip campaign, customer information collection and advertising campaigns, we were able to continuously optimize across the 3. Changing up the drip campaign messaging and adding to the length of delivery, adjusting the information being collected (i.e. testing acquiring information on the dog), and further refining advertising campaigns to increase efficiency.

There was still more room for improvement.

At this point, we started looking at converting off of other KPI’s, so we began interjecting a call to action between a desired time on site and page abandonment – essentially giving engaged visitors one last chance to convert. From here, we funneled these visitors into the same flow as above, putting them into an optimized drip campaign and triggering that final human touchpoint to get these prospective customers into the door.