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Try Not To Get Blogged Down

Try Not To Get Blogged Down

Blogs are becoming a popular way of communicating ideas, recipes, or important information. If you are in the digital marketing industry, have a website, or just have an online presence that you want to maintain, then chances are that you may write a blog at some point in time. It seems to be a right of passage in the digital age.

Blogging can help improve your website’s and overall business credibility by sharing relevant information and offering opinions on topics. As meta as it is to write a blog about writing a blog, hopefully, this post can serve as a guide for those who are unsure of where or how to begin writing.

Keep reading to find out how to not only structure and begin writing your blog, but also for some tips and tricks for maintaining best practices and driving traffic to your blog and website. 

Blog Structure:


In the introduction of the blog, you should introduce the topic and provide minimal background information. Make succinct points while also providing the material that the reader needs to know or is interested in. The introduction should explain why the topic is important and why the viewer should keep on reading. 


The overview is the middle portion of your blog where there is more of a deep dive into the topic. Here, you can provide examples from your company or outside of your company. For instance, if your topic is about social media advertising, you can describe a past social media campaign that you’ve done or illustrate those services that you provide.

An overview is a good place to layout tips or strategies as well if it is relevant to your topic. This is the section where the reader should find the information that he or she is looking for, so make sure you provide clear points that are easy to find and understand.


In this section of the blog, you should summarize the key points you’ve made in the overview. Reiterate the information that is most important and emphasize how helpful this blog post has been at answering the questions or solving the problems that the reader may have had. In the conclusion, you can offer your own opinions on the topic or even recommendations for alternative solutions or next steps.

It may be a good idea to end your conclusion section with a CTA, such as “read this next” or “check out our services” to further guide the reader through your website and assist with on-page SEO


Tips For A Good Blog Post

Final Points

While all blogs are written differently depending on the brand, audience, and topic, this post should’ve provided you with a starting point and helpful tips for writing your own blog. One final takeaway is to remember that consistency is key; post blogs regularly and post about relevant and engaging topics. Posting on a regular basis can help maintain a constant flow of content and can keep you in a pattern of writing. We post our blogs every Friday and you can check out our latest posts here!

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