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Content-centric SEO is the idea of developing an SEO game plan that includes creating content for your site. Examples include blogs, web stories, videos, articles, and more! Content creation and SEO go hand-in-hand to better each other's performances.

What Does Content-Centric Mean?

Read more to learn our tips for creating content-centric SEO for your site! 

Keyword research is a great start to your SEO strategy! You can then use your keyword research to form a content plan for months down the line with content! You can even track keyword research opportunities to stay on top of your audience.

On A Large Scale

A content-centric strategy plays a big role in content creation. For blogs, it is important to have SEO points like meta titles and descriptions, image alt tags, headlines, and more!

On A  Smaller Scale

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SEO Audit

An assistant can take some of that time off your back and do the work for you! SEO managers can assess the current state of your SEO strategy, implement new strategies, find good keyword opportunities, assess your competitors, and help you create content! 

SEO Assistance


For a content-centric site, remember to use the following tips and tricks!

Let's Recap!

• Do keyword research 

• Use content planning 

• Optimize meta titles  and descriptions 

• Complete image alt text

• Seek out SEO assistance

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