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What Is A Thank You Page?

A Thank You Page is a page on a website where users are redirected after they’ve completed an action, such as clicking “yes “to an offer or a purchase

Many businesses overlooked this simple but yet important page. A Thank You page serves many purposes besides a token of appreciation. It can help your business in nurturing new leads, improving engagement, and increasing sales.

For example, if your offer is a sale, you want a Thank You page to appear after they’ve completed the purchase. Remember, the buyer’s journey doesn’t necessarily have to stop after a sale. You can initiate further contact and strengthen your relationship by including, for example, a registry to a coupon for their next purchase on your Thank You page.

If your offer isn’t a sale, a Thank You Page can still help move your customer along the buyer’s funnel. For example, including a contact form or subscription to a newsletter, providing more information to your customers.

Your Thank You page should consist of a confirmation message, a call to action (CTA), and instructions on how to proceed.



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