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What Is Remarketing?

Remarketing Allows Businesses To Advertise To Those That Have Engaged With The Business

Remarketing, also called retargeting, is a way of reaching out to people that have previously interacted with your website through personalized remarketing ad campaigns. For example, when a user is browsing the internet, remarketing will remind them of what they need or want on your website. 

Remarketing is a common practice among:

By targeting those who are already familiar with your brand, marketers have the chance to drive users to the end of the funnel and get results. Other benefits of engaging in remarketing are its ability in increasing your reach and raising brand awareness. 

There are many remarketing tools out there, but the most popular is Google Ads. The Google Display Network (GDN) has over 2 million websites and apps around the world. 

Remarketing through Google helps get ads in front of users when they’re browsing Google or its partner websites. Facebook and other social media sites also has its own remarketing tool. 

How Does Remarketing Work?

Remarketing is most commonly triggered by pixels/cookies that are downloaded onto a device or browser when visiting a website. These cookies then trigger an ad exchange to show an ad for the website you had visited. With more devices and browsers moving towards cookie-less browsing, ad exchanges are having to adapt to retarget without cookies. Another common way of remarketing is using a customer list, with either cell phone or email addresses to remarket based off of.

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